Common mistakes in problem skin care

Common mistakes in problem skin care

Apr 07, 2021

Avoiding moisturizers

Moisturizing is very important for those with problematic facial skin. Acne, acne, oily sheen - all this in no way replaces the need to replenish the level of moisture that is necessary for skin regeneration and improvement of its condition.

The use of alcoholic lotions and tinctures

The drying effect is clearly visible the first time a product containing alcohol is applied. However, this approach does not help get rid of the causes of inflammation, and it is more harmful, especially with prolonged use. Improper care can cause aggravation and the formation of new problem areas on the skin.

Prolonged sun exposure

The belief that the sun's rays help dry out inflammation on the face is wrong. Regular exposure to ultraviolet radiation is fraught with the occurrence of such a phenomenon as thickening of the upper layer of the skin. Excessive growth of the stratum corneum of the epidermis prevents the normal excretion of the secretion of the skin glands, which manifests itself in the form of comedowns, which can turn into new inflammations.

Attempts to get rid of acne using mechanical action

Trying to get rid of inflammation with fingers, nails, or improvised tools is very dangerous. Such "cleaning" significantly increases the risk of infection through damaged areas on the skin of the face. One of the most negative scenarios for the development of the scenario, when the contents of the focus of inflammation do not come out, but are sent into the bloodstream. This causes new, even more severe inflammations, and can even lead to infection with dangerous diseases with the most unpredictable consequences.